Dr. Michael O. Minor Consulting
Dr. Michael O. Minor
The “Southern pastor who banned fried chicken in his church.”
Dr. Michael O. Minor is a nationally known champion of faith-based health and wellness mobilization. He is best known as the “Southern pastor who banned fried chicken in his church.” As a community organizer for over 30 years, Dr. Minor has worked on community empowerment, non-profit business development, and faith community issues. He currently serves as the undershepherd of the The Hill-Hernando Baptist Church in Hernando, Mississippi, president of the Mid-South Churches Cooperative Conference Baptist State Convention, co-chair of the National Faith-Based Mobilization Network (Faith MoNet), and the National Director of the H.O.P.E. Health and Human Services (HHS) Partnership of the National Baptist Convention, USA, (NBCUSA) Incorporated – the nation’s largest African American religious denomination. A published researcher, he provides advisory services for several regional and national initiatives including the American Cancer Society’s National Advisory Council on Health Equity, Sunday School Publishing Board National Advisory Committee, and the United States Department of Health and Human Services Advisory Panel on Outreach and Education. Click here to download his complete bio.
For the latest about Dr. Minor, Google "Michael O. Minor" or "Michael Minor" and health.
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Rising Sun Usher Federation 2011 Usher Guide
Congregational Health Guide 2012
2015 Suggested Health and Wellness Observances
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Dr. Michael O. Minor Consulting